I am so tired of being made to feel like I'm doing something wrong because Aidan is still nursing! Yeah, it's wonderful that other babies are totally weaned to a cup, except its formula, and that's not as great, in my book. and this other baby weaned sooo long ago, and whatever. I don't care. it's not easy nursing, but it's good for him, and it makes him happy, so I do. I'd love to be able to not do it, at least, most days, but I do. Because he is comforted by it, I am lucky enough to get to stay at home and do it, and you know what, he's only 14 monhs old. apperently, he should be driving a car, and speaking in full sentences by now, how dare he still be a baby?! And you know who you are, and I'm tired of it.
End Rant.
mommy is goonie!
I'm getting my tooth pulled tomm! It broke more today, I had been putting it off, cause it was just cracked, but getting hit in the face by a big ol head lately as well as the bathroom cabinet door officially broke it, the nerve is way exposed, and I've got pennicillin and tylenol 3. Thanks to my totally wonderful mom, I get it done tommorrow! I was going to have to wait until thursday just to get looked at, but she made some calls cause I was out of my mind with pain and didn't even think of the emergency place I want to when aid was just a week old bitty bit. my mom rocks!
In other news, Aidan my be over the stomach flu, were back to one poo a day, and I believe Lucas' webkin is dying. Dont buy your kid a webkin, no matter how much they beg, just FYI. It ends up being bored mommy-crack. Lucas wants more for his birthday, I dont know what to do.
In other news, Aidan my be over the stomach flu, were back to one poo a day, and I believe Lucas' webkin is dying. Dont buy your kid a webkin, no matter how much they beg, just FYI. It ends up being bored mommy-crack. Lucas wants more for his birthday, I dont know what to do.
Aidan is one! Oh yes he is! I just got through decorating his cake, (from scratch, btw, lol) and my hands are hurting, 'specially the gimpy one. It has Moose A. Moose, and Zee, his favorite things in the world right now. I'll load pics after the party tomorrow, If I'm not too exhausted. I have to make 24 cupcakes for the Cub scout meeting on Monday too. I always said I love baking, but this is getting ridiculous.
i know i'm a dork, but...
The Defuser isn't a Superhero! He's a gadget guy. He's a lame-O Batman.
Hyper Strike is a Superhero! Darn you, Stan Lee, you big money-grubbing sell out! Darn you to heck!
And now I'm Done.
Hyper Strike is a Superhero! Darn you, Stan Lee, you big money-grubbing sell out! Darn you to heck!
And now I'm Done.
been busy, but guess what!
Aidan Started walking, really walking, on Wednesday! Its so cute, like, remember when you were little and played "mother may I?" and you got to take giant steps or duck steps, or teeny-weeny baby steps? and the baby steps were all exagerated and tiny? he walks like that. I'll have to get a video of it before he stops and just walks like a big kid. I cant believe it, its crazy! He's barely 10 months old!
wow, updating now! However random it is.
We've been busy. Obviously. Anyway, Lucas starts school on the 27th. I think. Aidan took his first steps last night! Four big strong steps, to his brother. He's gonna be 10 months on Sunday! Lucas had to call every Grandma and tell them, he was so proud! We've been having lots of fun, so it's a good busy. Happy Bday Aunt Danielle! I have pictures, but have to put them on the puter. I'll try to do it asap, but not tonight, I still have to pack Lucas' bag to visit Kathleen. Jeremiah is in Sedalia now, only about 90 minutes away, at a living facility. They're going to go visit him tommorrow and on tuesday. thats all for now, I need to get doing stuff!
been tooo long
"What's a cripple?"
SO, yesterday, as we were leaving Lucas' school, one of the older classes and teacher were exiting the gym. As we walked past, the teacher made a "joke," because her students were apperently moving her along too quickly for her taste. As we walk by, she says, "Hold on, I know I cant move as fast as you, but it's not like I'm a cripple! Ha-ha-ha!" Lucas turns to me, holding my hand and says, "Mom, what's a cripple?" All big-eyed and innocent. I tell him, "Well, it's kind of a not very nice way of saying Handicapped." We recently had a discussion about what handicapped was, when he noticed the hanging placard in some cars, Like Grandma Kathleens, or Grannies.
When I told him that that was what he meant, He said, "You mean, like my Dad?" and I went "Yeah, I guess she wasn't thinking about what she said. Everybody forgets things sometimes."
I thought all was okay, until, about half way home, over the Radio Disney bumpin' through the car, (Part of our after school routine,) I heard him sobbing in the back seat. I ask what's wrong, and he says, though I'm paraphrasing, that his feelings are hurt because anyone would cal his Daddy any name, and that there is a bad name for people who cant do things, and why would that teacher say that, and it's not fair, and he loves his Daddy.
It's just such BS. Some people just don't think.
When I told him that that was what he meant, He said, "You mean, like my Dad?" and I went "Yeah, I guess she wasn't thinking about what she said. Everybody forgets things sometimes."
I thought all was okay, until, about half way home, over the Radio Disney bumpin' through the car, (Part of our after school routine,) I heard him sobbing in the back seat. I ask what's wrong, and he says, though I'm paraphrasing, that his feelings are hurt because anyone would cal his Daddy any name, and that there is a bad name for people who cant do things, and why would that teacher say that, and it's not fair, and he loves his Daddy.
It's just such BS. Some people just don't think.
why cant i sleep?
I'm tired, ive been up since 5:30 or so. I just cant sleep. I'll go try again, have to get up to get Munchkin ready for school in the morning. There are only 12 days of the school year left, (not counting weekends,) yay! then I'll have al day with my little buddy. I'm so happy we bought the Friends of the Zoo membership though. We've used it so much in the past month, the expense is more than covered. And, we get into other Zoos for free. They advertise on the card, "Free Tickets to the St. Louis Zoo!" and I laugh...
I musta meant a mommy tomorrow.
And that can be a long time.
Anyway, Aidan has allergies. Bad ones. Just like Lucas used to. But, he's getting better, thanks to Benadryl. He also turns in circles, not quite crawling, and scoots backward. He also walks well,l if you hold him up under his arms.
Lucas can ride a bike all by himself now, no training wheels. He's getting really good, but a little cocky, skidding to a stop and letting his back wheel drift and throw up dust. He may seriously hurt himself soon. but, he's having fun. He's learning to tell time, and has had the same little girlfriend, Kayliegh, for a few months now. They're so cute, holding hands and reading to each other.
Pictures later, I have to take them off the camera.
Anyway, Aidan has allergies. Bad ones. Just like Lucas used to. But, he's getting better, thanks to Benadryl. He also turns in circles, not quite crawling, and scoots backward. He also walks well,l if you hold him up under his arms.
Lucas can ride a bike all by himself now, no training wheels. He's getting really good, but a little cocky, skidding to a stop and letting his back wheel drift and throw up dust. He may seriously hurt himself soon. but, he's having fun. He's learning to tell time, and has had the same little girlfriend, Kayliegh, for a few months now. They're so cute, holding hands and reading to each other.
Pictures later, I have to take them off the camera.
Been so busy!
We've been so busy. Aidan's had an ear infection, followed by a virus. He's teething. he's 6 months old today, you know! He's wearing size 12 mo, and weighs 22 lbs.(almost) he's got the doctor on monday, and gets bloodwork and shots if he's well. he's been sleeping in his crib at night, usually until 2-3 am. he still wants to eat at night.
Lucas is on his way to IL right now. If I have to give up a holiday, let it be easter, i guess. Lucas has also lost 2 teeth, one a week ago, and one today. theyre on the bottom, not right in front, but the next two. he has the cutest smile now!
i'm hungry and tired, so, i'm gonna go eat while Aidan is napping!
Lucas is on his way to IL right now. If I have to give up a holiday, let it be easter, i guess. Lucas has also lost 2 teeth, one a week ago, and one today. theyre on the bottom, not right in front, but the next two. he has the cutest smile now!
i'm hungry and tired, so, i'm gonna go eat while Aidan is napping!
Yay! (Crib Update)
Aidan made it until 3 am last night, and that was after rocking him until he was drowsy, then laying him down and patting him to sleep. We have to buy another glow-e bear, though. He loved Lucas', as well as his Laurie Berkner cd.
I gave up at 3 am, because he was hungry, I was so tired, and I was so swollen on one side I thought I might cry. We'll shoot for 4 tonight. But even if he only spends half the night in his crib, it's a step in the right direction. I think I can deal with that until summer rolls around, if we have to.
It kinda makes me sad though, he's growing up so fast!
Side note: I'm so proud of Lucas! We all had big grilled chicken salads for dinner tonight, with cheese, tomatos, carrots, broccoli, baby spinach, romaine and raddicio, and he ate every bite, and didn't even drown it in ranch dressing! "I'm a big grown up boy now, I'm ready for 1st grade!" It was so cute!
I gave up at 3 am, because he was hungry, I was so tired, and I was so swollen on one side I thought I might cry. We'll shoot for 4 tonight. But even if he only spends half the night in his crib, it's a step in the right direction. I think I can deal with that until summer rolls around, if we have to.
It kinda makes me sad though, he's growing up so fast!
Side note: I'm so proud of Lucas! We all had big grilled chicken salads for dinner tonight, with cheese, tomatos, carrots, broccoli, baby spinach, romaine and raddicio, and he ate every bite, and didn't even drown it in ranch dressing! "I'm a big grown up boy now, I'm ready for 1st grade!" It was so cute!
new pictures, and update
A few new Studio photos:

Also, Aidan Is getting taught to sleep in his crib this week, much to Lucas' dismay. It's Spring Break, so, it's the only time soon that lack of sleep isn't going to be too big a deal. Unfortunately, Lucas' allergies have been acting up, and he's got a runny nose and cough from his sinuses, and it's hard for a little guy, or anyone else, for that matter, to cough quietly. but, in 2 hours, I've only had to go pat the baby back to sleep once. I remember how terrible it was with Lucas, I'm amazed I'm dealing with this as well as I am. I guess it is how they say, the second one is easier.
I just cant deal with holding him all night and day, there has to be some period of time where I have 2 arms, lol.
Aid has a cold...
just posting this here so i can remember to keep an eye on how long it lasts. it started yesterday...
New camera, old pix!
Booger is with Grandma tonight, and I miss him, So, here are some oldies. These are before Aidan was even in my belly... Such a handsome fella. 

I am officially suffering...
From Mommy Brain.
Yesterday afternoon, I was cleaning up. I asked Kris if he would "Eat the baby, while I clean the bathroom? Then I'll take him." Followed shortly by, as I was preheating the oven, "Alright, I'll preheat the bathroom while I'm cleaning, then throw the lasagna in." Shortly after, Kris told me what I had said. it definitly explained the crazy looks he gave me. I laughed so hard when he told me, I almost peed my pants. You hadta be there.
Yesterday afternoon, I was cleaning up. I asked Kris if he would "Eat the baby, while I clean the bathroom? Then I'll take him." Followed shortly by, as I was preheating the oven, "Alright, I'll preheat the bathroom while I'm cleaning, then throw the lasagna in." Shortly after, Kris told me what I had said. it definitly explained the crazy looks he gave me. I laughed so hard when he told me, I almost peed my pants. You hadta be there.
Aidans first boo-boo.
Poor baby. He learned to sit up today. Unfortunatly, he was in his swing when it happened. I sat him in, took a step, grabbed a jar of food, turned around, and boop! there he went. gawd, I always strap him in. always. I forgot. and he bonked his little noggin. two little lumps, about as big as pennies, on either side of his head. He cried his eyes out for a minute, but he got better quick. I checked his little limbs, used a flashlight to check his pupil responses, and he seems happy, but, gawd, I feel like a terrible mom. he is his happy, smily self, but I called the nurse line, and they said to do the typical head injury routine, wake him up after his first 2 hours asleep, then every 4 hours today and tommorrow.
Lucas was freaked out too, and had a hard time falling asleep. I almost had a panic attack, shaking, bawling, all of it. I went to set him in his swing for a minute tonight, after he had fallen asleep, so I could make the bed, and he woke up, and freaked out. maybe he'll forgive me someday. I think he blames the swing too. "Darn thing! You moved away from my butt! You're supposed to move with me!"
Lucas was freaked out too, and had a hard time falling asleep. I almost had a panic attack, shaking, bawling, all of it. I went to set him in his swing for a minute tonight, after he had fallen asleep, so I could make the bed, and he woke up, and freaked out. maybe he'll forgive me someday. I think he blames the swing too. "Darn thing! You moved away from my butt! You're supposed to move with me!"
So, Like it?
whats anyone think about the new colors? is the text big enough for the grandmas? like the slideshow?
well, we've been growing!
First, I have no new pictures right now, Sorry!
Second, I probably should be taking this time of having two free hands to clean, not type, but I'm tired.
Anyway, an update on baby Aid:
He is now 13 weeks old, and I'm still amazed.
He Sits up with very little help, makes little grunty scoots on the floor, and lifts himself up on his elbows and forearms when he's on his belly.
He is absolutly in love with ceiling fans, which is nice, cause we have them in every room but the kitchen.
Thats okay, because he has also become enthralled with booking around the kitchen in his walker.
He's wearing size 6-9 mo, and is well into size 3 diapers, the little chubbo.
He loves to walk while you hold his hands, but isn't quite sure if backwards on forwards is easier.
He is eating food, and loves it. We eat rice cereal in the morning, rice cereal and banana baby food for Lunch, and we're getting ready to add squash to the menu tommorrow, for dinner.
He also has an ounce or so of Pear juice throughout the day, mainly because he gets a kick out of holding the bottle, and he gets really confused when he gets milk from the bottle when I'm around.
He talks all darn day, gagas and googoos and gurgles and yaaaahhhhs! when he's happy.
He chuckles when we play.
He loves peek a boo.
He has a favorite book, "Where's Babys Belly Button?"
He is teething, and one of his bottom front teeth keeps popping in and out, but we have some homeopathic teething gel that works wonders for when it hurts.
He also has his own little game of "See how loud Mommy can squeek when I bite!"
He sits on a persons lap and just wont sit back like a baby anymore, so pulls himself more upright.
He takes three two-hour naps a day, one after breakfast, one after lunch, and one before dinner.
He goes to sleep between nine and ten pm and likes to sleep until 7 or so.
He is getting ready to move into his crib in bubbas room at the end on the month, so that may change.
He almost jumps out of your lap when he hears his bubba get home from school, he loves his bubba!
He spends the rest of his time eating his hands, and blowing spit bubbles.
And A Lucas Update:
He got a big boy hair cut, and now combs and gels his hair for school in the morning.
He got rid of his costumes and shoes, but he still sleeps with a purple scarf on his head some nights.
He's taken to sleeping in a box, on his bed. I don't know why. But His pillows go in the box, he lays on them, and, with feet sticking out, covers up.
He has to listen to music to sleep, but can't work his cd player yet.
He is the best reader in his class, and he reads to the other kids.
He is also great at math, and has this adding and subtracting thing down cold. But to him, its Plus and Take-Away.
He has a hearing screening at school soon.
He got new cowboy boots for x-mas, and wears them everywhere, except to school on gym days.
He is Mommy's Super-Helper, and cleans his room, makes his bed, sets the table, and helps clear it, as well as watches his baby brother for Mommy when she is just too busy right that second.
He has a dolly, named Suzie, (i.e. Love & Grow Suzie,) that is as demanding as a real baby, who calls him Mommy. But He still tells Aidan that he loves him still, and he's still his big brother.
He is 100% handsome, and everytime I look at this big giant boy, I almost cry, thinking he used to be my little baby.
He's grown up so much more over this past year it is unbelievable, and I just can't wait to see what comes next.
A little me update? There's not much to tell.
Occasionally I get depressed about never getting anything done in one shot, because Mommy is always in demand.
I am also gettin nervous about a friend of mine's birthday, because I'm supposed to leave the babys with my mom for a few hours, and I just don't know if I can yet, but I've been promising her for the last 2 years that I would go out with her for a drink when she turned 21.
I'm exausted constantly, I got drained when everyone in the house Kept getting sick, and haven't really rested since.
I'm getting scary good at Sudoku.
I have developed a love of baking, and have spent any free time I find trying new recipes, and making big, fun cakes. ( I've got a 4-layer devils food and caramel cake with caramel glaze coming up soon, can't ya feel your ass grow?)
I love Lucas going "Mommy, what's the pretty cake for?" and his eyes lighting up when I say, "Just Because, Bubba."
I've started Dieting to combat the baked goodies. I've even switched to diet sodas.
I'm going to bed now.
MUAH, everybody!
Second, I probably should be taking this time of having two free hands to clean, not type, but I'm tired.
Anyway, an update on baby Aid:
He is now 13 weeks old, and I'm still amazed.
He Sits up with very little help, makes little grunty scoots on the floor, and lifts himself up on his elbows and forearms when he's on his belly.
He is absolutly in love with ceiling fans, which is nice, cause we have them in every room but the kitchen.
Thats okay, because he has also become enthralled with booking around the kitchen in his walker.
He's wearing size 6-9 mo, and is well into size 3 diapers, the little chubbo.
He loves to walk while you hold his hands, but isn't quite sure if backwards on forwards is easier.
He is eating food, and loves it. We eat rice cereal in the morning, rice cereal and banana baby food for Lunch, and we're getting ready to add squash to the menu tommorrow, for dinner.
He also has an ounce or so of Pear juice throughout the day, mainly because he gets a kick out of holding the bottle, and he gets really confused when he gets milk from the bottle when I'm around.
He talks all darn day, gagas and googoos and gurgles and yaaaahhhhs! when he's happy.
He chuckles when we play.
He loves peek a boo.
He has a favorite book, "Where's Babys Belly Button?"
He is teething, and one of his bottom front teeth keeps popping in and out, but we have some homeopathic teething gel that works wonders for when it hurts.
He also has his own little game of "See how loud Mommy can squeek when I bite!"
He sits on a persons lap and just wont sit back like a baby anymore, so pulls himself more upright.
He takes three two-hour naps a day, one after breakfast, one after lunch, and one before dinner.
He goes to sleep between nine and ten pm and likes to sleep until 7 or so.
He is getting ready to move into his crib in bubbas room at the end on the month, so that may change.
He almost jumps out of your lap when he hears his bubba get home from school, he loves his bubba!
He spends the rest of his time eating his hands, and blowing spit bubbles.
And A Lucas Update:
He got a big boy hair cut, and now combs and gels his hair for school in the morning.
He got rid of his costumes and shoes, but he still sleeps with a purple scarf on his head some nights.
He's taken to sleeping in a box, on his bed. I don't know why. But His pillows go in the box, he lays on them, and, with feet sticking out, covers up.
He has to listen to music to sleep, but can't work his cd player yet.
He is the best reader in his class, and he reads to the other kids.
He is also great at math, and has this adding and subtracting thing down cold. But to him, its Plus and Take-Away.
He has a hearing screening at school soon.
He got new cowboy boots for x-mas, and wears them everywhere, except to school on gym days.
He is Mommy's Super-Helper, and cleans his room, makes his bed, sets the table, and helps clear it, as well as watches his baby brother for Mommy when she is just too busy right that second.
He has a dolly, named Suzie, (i.e. Love & Grow Suzie,) that is as demanding as a real baby, who calls him Mommy. But He still tells Aidan that he loves him still, and he's still his big brother.
He is 100% handsome, and everytime I look at this big giant boy, I almost cry, thinking he used to be my little baby.
He's grown up so much more over this past year it is unbelievable, and I just can't wait to see what comes next.
A little me update? There's not much to tell.
Occasionally I get depressed about never getting anything done in one shot, because Mommy is always in demand.
I am also gettin nervous about a friend of mine's birthday, because I'm supposed to leave the babys with my mom for a few hours, and I just don't know if I can yet, but I've been promising her for the last 2 years that I would go out with her for a drink when she turned 21.
I'm exausted constantly, I got drained when everyone in the house Kept getting sick, and haven't really rested since.
I'm getting scary good at Sudoku.
I have developed a love of baking, and have spent any free time I find trying new recipes, and making big, fun cakes. ( I've got a 4-layer devils food and caramel cake with caramel glaze coming up soon, can't ya feel your ass grow?)
I love Lucas going "Mommy, what's the pretty cake for?" and his eyes lighting up when I say, "Just Because, Bubba."
I've started Dieting to combat the baked goodies. I've even switched to diet sodas.
I'm going to bed now.
MUAH, everybody!
we are alive
we are just busy. very busy. School break, sick baby, sick boy, sick daddy, just lots of stuff. New pictures to load later, but not right now. So tired. bye-bye!
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