I don't need no steenkin crib!

Seriously, he sleeps so much better now!


Danielle said...

I have tried.....and gave up after one night. She is fine at school but I don't have the patience to try again until cycle break, so a few weeks. I don't have the luxury of going back to sleep at nap time or anything if she won't stay in bed at night. One of these days. I am in nooooooo rush.

HuianaSukari said...

Our situation does make it easier. Plus, he still wants to nurse at night, so I set a gate up to keep him out of the living room, close the bathroom door, and he can walk his little self to me instead of me to him. I don't get to nap with him very often anymore either, other than him being a kicker, separation anxiety is in full swing, and if I don't get stuff done when he's asleep, the whole house goes to h-e-double hockey sticks. Coffee is my friend.
I'm gonna so be in for it when he learns how to climb the ladder to Bubba's bed.