Yay! (Crib Update)

Aidan made it until 3 am last night, and that was after rocking him until he was drowsy, then laying him down and patting him to sleep. We have to buy another glow-e bear, though. He loved Lucas', as well as his Laurie Berkner cd.
I gave up at 3 am, because he was hungry, I was so tired, and I was so swollen on one side I thought I might cry. We'll shoot for 4 tonight. But even if he only spends half the night in his crib, it's a step in the right direction. I think I can deal with that until summer rolls around, if we have to.
It kinda makes me sad though, he's growing up so fast!

Side note: I'm so proud of Lucas! We all had big grilled chicken salads for dinner tonight, with cheese, tomatos, carrots, broccoli, baby spinach, romaine and raddicio, and he ate every bite, and didn't even drown it in ranch dressing! "I'm a big grown up boy now, I'm ready for 1st grade!" It was so cute!

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