Aidans first boo-boo.

Poor baby. He learned to sit up today. Unfortunatly, he was in his swing when it happened. I sat him in, took a step, grabbed a jar of food, turned around, and boop! there he went. gawd, I always strap him in. always. I forgot. and he bonked his little noggin. two little lumps, about as big as pennies, on either side of his head. He cried his eyes out for a minute, but he got better quick. I checked his little limbs, used a flashlight to check his pupil responses, and he seems happy, but, gawd, I feel like a terrible mom. he is his happy, smily self, but I called the nurse line, and they said to do the typical head injury routine, wake him up after his first 2 hours asleep, then every 4 hours today and tommorrow.
Lucas was freaked out too, and had a hard time falling asleep. I almost had a panic attack, shaking, bawling, all of it. I went to set him in his swing for a minute tonight, after he had fallen asleep, so I could make the bed, and he woke up, and freaked out. maybe he'll forgive me someday. I think he blames the swing too. "Darn thing! You moved away from my butt! You're supposed to move with me!"

1 comment:

Danielle said...

aren't head bonke the worst. usually it's nothing for them but you feel so bad and horrible mommy and all and two minuted later they are laughing and running around like it's no big deal. yeah, and we never did get a swing...people ask how we survived but i dont think she ever missed it.