
I have new photos, I have to upload them tommorrow. I just wanted to write to whine... A clogged Duct sucks, hardcore. I have pumped til I cant anymore, so hopefully It'll be all better soon. But Dang, it's so not fun.
In other news, Aidan is sleeping in his Bassinet for the first overnight tonight, bearing I can stay awake at his middle of the night feed and change. I hope I dont forget and fall into my bed with him, cause, while it's easier to nurse my chunky butt baby that way, I dont rest well, and I dont want to end up with another Lucas, trying to climb in my bed at 4 years old, all elbows and knees.
Speaking of chunky butt... my one month old little boy had a doctors appointment. He's 11.12 lbs, lol! When he left the hospital, on 10-8, he was 7.2 lbs. so he's gaining close to a pound a week. 95th percentile. He's also grown almost an inch a week, coming in on Monday at 22 inches. and his big ol' head just keeps getting bigger, 15.5 inches there.
Lucas also had an appt. and he's right on track, 70th percentile for both height & weight. I also got a notice from his school today, informing me that with my permission, his teacher has requested he be evaluated for the gifted program! My baby is a smartypants! I'm so proud!

1 comment:

Danielle said...

The fans are demanding pictures...