You know that trend of age progression photography? Heres Aidan last week:
(the studio pix dont come in till next week!)

One mama, one boykid, one neutteeen, one wild girlchild, one step daddy-man, and one insta-grandma, trying to make it all work out again.
The yellow pics are a little scary and one looks like you are trying to break his neck, but hes so cute!!! see, im glad you got another boy popped out so lucas can marry jade and sam can have aid......or would that be incest then?
Well, the yellow pictures are some i had to take, that's Kris' old baby outfit, and Aidan is growing so fast he almost outgrew it before i got the chance. I'm not in amy of them though, Aid is rockin with grandma. lol, lucas was saying yesterday he wanted a fiancee, that is, until I explained what it is.
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